Saturday 2 September 2017

Crystalline Kids ~ A Miracle Within

Are you feeling the love?
Are you feeling as if something new, loving, and profound is on your horizon? Are you feeling the excitement of a new dawn and a new way to view and perceive your world is stirring within? It is, it really is. 
What limitations are you placing on the miraculous occurring right now? Does there have to be certain conditions met, or joy felt, or can you open your heart to know it is now? How constraints allow us to continue within the same reality perspective and why 'nothing seems to change.'
You are the master creator that paints anew! Miracles are not only for the special few but how every moment can be experienced ~ it is up to you!
Tune in and ignite a new miraculous moment of joy, love, potential, and swim within a new blueprint of your own Divine choosing. 

We go live at 11:00am MTN for our weekly global 'Ascension Radio Show' New Earth Consciousness and human potentiation awakening within these new earthly and cosmic Oneness offerings ~ KCOR weekly live ascension talk radio & inspiration where miracles are ignited within breath, with inner Divine knowing.
We transcend all limitation on definitions and terms that have held us within boxes of judgment and conditions, and allowing the heart of God that resides within, to be the guiding light and essence sewn within all things and living through us in miraculous ways ~ again, transcending all religions and all dogma; we are the essence of the God in a profoundly dynamic human form, to express, to be, to create in the image of light and our eternal potentiation ~

Time to dance ~
Blessings and great light,
Joanna L Ross

We also are back to our monthly ascension 'Sacred Temple Teachings' on the 9th ~ Next Saturday!
Join us for those that desire a sacred soul tribe connection and entanglement!

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